Statement made by China on behalf of ASPAG at the Informal Consultation on ILO's Programme Proposals for the Biennium 2026-27
2024-08-23 20:40

(August 22, 2024)

Thank you, Chair!

1. I am speaking on behalf of ASPAG. We thank the Office for preparing the Programme Proposals for the biennium 2026-27 and organizing today’s consultation which will inform the Programme and Budget (P&B) proposals paper to be presented at the November Governing Body (GB). We recognize the significant efforts made by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to advance social justice, decent work, and sustainable development across the globe through its proposed program and budget.

2. The world today has entered a new period of transformation. Factors like geopolitical conflict, climate change, high inflation pose huge challenges to the global economic and social development. The process of achieving SDGs is far from satisfactory. Joint efforts to accelerate the process is urgently needed. The world of work is also becoming a dynamic and complex landscape featuring globalization, technological advancement, employment deficits, inequalities, informality etc.

3. Facing the complex situation, ASPAG reiterates its high expectations for ILO to continue to uphold and practice tripartism, multi-lateralism and a human-centered approach, while making necessary adaptations and innovations. This holistic approach will help tackle challenges, respond to the increasing needs of its constituents, and accelerate the process of achieving SDGs from ILO’s perspective.

4. ASPAG supports the ILO to play a leadership role, through effective formulating and implementing its biennium P&B, to promote social justice through decent work. In order to have a better preparation for the next P&B, we request the Office to provide the March GB in 2025 with further detailed explanation on the analysis of the policy and its effects of the past P&Bs, as well as how it has been reflected in the P&B proposals for 2026-27. Incorporating lessons learned from past experiences will help avoid the repetition of previous issues and enhance the effectiveness of new initiatives.

5. During recent years, many member states are still encountering constraints on public finance in dealing with the multiple challenges and crisis. We therefore request the Office to formulate the next budget in a prudent manner, ensuring that resources are used effectively and that budgetary provisions align with strategic priorities. We encourage the Office to explore all the possible ways to fully utilize the existing resources framework, and improve efficiency and effectiveness in ILO’s operations.  

6. ASPAG sees the merits of the current structure of the proposed Program covering 10 policy outcomes with integrated policy responses and the 3 enabling outcomes aiming to enhance ILO’s performance and accountability, governance and management. Compared with the current P&B, the proposed P&B lists two more policy outcomes. We commend the Office’s efforts in keeping pace with the fast-changing technological times and taking holistic action for achieving decent work. We also appreciate the proposal’s emphasis on innovative capacity development, enhanced research, and improved data management, aligning with the need for modern, evidence-based approaches to policy formulation and implementation. It is highly appreciated if the Office could further introduce the background and the basic consideration of adding these two new outcomes. It would also be appreciated if the Office could provide further details on how it intends to allocate resources to these new outcomes to address all of the actions proposed, while ensuring there are sufficient resources for existing outcomes.

7. ASPAG welcomes the general direction of the proposed programme which reflects the ambition to act with determination and urgency to amplify the ILO’s influence and impact. We support the Office to increase its support to constituents to navigate transitions in relation to digitalization, AI and climate change, as well as to leverage opportunities for full and productive employment, social inclusion and growth, including in the digital space. The next two biennium P&Bs should be designed as a practical vehicle to operationalize the ILO Strategic Plan for 2026-29 which will be examined by the Autumn GB this year. It is also imperative to incorporate main elements of the Centenary Declaration into the next P&B.

8. ASPAG supports the Office to continue to take strong, modernized normative action for social justice through decent work and to enhance tripartism elaborated in Outcomes 1 and 2. We encourage the Office to provide constituents with necessary technical assistance upon their request for the ratification and application of international labour standards. We support the Office to fully harness SRM-TWG, so as to better modernize the normative function of the organization and meet the evolving needs of the world of work. We commend the efforts of the Office in promoting constituents’ capacity building for effective social dialogue and good governance of labour markets.

9. As for Outcome 3, employment should be treated as a top priority in our development agenda. We stress the necessity and importance for the new P&B to prioritize the pro-employment policy framework at international and national level which includes mainstreaming the employment policy and strengthen its coordination with other macroeconomic policies, the establishment of inclusive, sustainable and resilient skills and lifelong learning systems that respond to current and anticipated labour market needs and, in particular, facilitate youth employment and school to work transition, the improvement of the quality and accessibility of public employment service. In doing so, we request the Office to ensure adequate budgetary resource in these areas.

10. ASPAG welcomes the increased focus on the sustainable enterprises, especially the enhancement of the competitiveness and productivity of MSMEs. We welcome outcome 5 aiming to promote gender equality and equality of opportunity and treatment for all. We support outcome 6 focusing on OSH, wages, working time, high risk-facing workers and labour migration. In relation to the output 6.1, we expect that the ILO will continue to provide technical assistance to its Member States to stimulate national initiatives on OSH. We also reiterate our strong support to outcome 7 aiming to promote universal, comprehensive, adequate and financially sustainable social protection systems.

11. As digitalization and AI are shaping the world of work, generating new challenges and expanding opportunities to drive progress towards social justice and decent work, ASPAG welcomes the inclusion of the new policy outcome 8. AI is revolutionizing industries worldwide, offering tremendous opportunities for promoting innovation and new quality productive forces. However, it is also exacerbating economic and social inequalities due to uneven rates of adoption and fragmented governance. We stress the importance to address digital divide between and within countries and encourage the Office to strengthen international cooperation for effective utilization and good governance in relation to the world of work, and build national capacity through technical assistance and knowledge sharing. We note that the ILO has indicated its intention to conduct a survey and evaluation of cases involving the use of digital technology and AI in the output 8.3. However, other international organizations, such as the OECD, are engaged in similar surveys. Therefore, we request the Office to provide an explanation of the rationale for the ILO to implement the survey on digital technology and AI.

12. The formalization of informal employment is crucial for Asia and Pacific region which has a huge labour force constituting at least 60% of the global workforce, so we welcome the policy outcome 9, which includes formalization, just transition, and crisis management. Especially, we support the establishment of the common understanding on the actions described in the output 9.1 in order to achieve improved coherence in support and action to facilitate transition from the informal to the formal economy. We support policy outcome 10, as well as the continued promotion of activities by the Global Coalition for Social Justice, however request further information from the Office on how actions under Output 10.3 relate to the ILO’s normative framework.

13. While we welcome para 22 in the ILO Strategic Plan 2026-29, "Expanding country-level action and results", which indicates that “Strengthened ILO’s presence and field capacity; progressive decentralization of functions and resources towards country-level work, accompanied by adequate accountability frameworks”, the relevant contents are not included in this document on P&B. We expect that concrete proposals will be made in the discussions on the P&B proposals for 2026-27.

14. Finally, ASPAG emphasizes the need for strengthened governance and oversight to ensure effective and efficient operations. We also recommend that the ILO foster collaboration and partnerships with international organizations, development partners, and the private sector to leverage additional resources and expertise. Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms should be robust, with clear performance indicators, regular progress reviews, and mechanisms for adaptive management to ensure that the proposed programs are impactful and sustainable.

ASPAG stands ready to participate in the future in-depth consultations with all GB members on this important item.

Thank you, Chair.