Thank you, madam Vice-President.
China welcomes the report of the visit introduced to Council by Special Rapporteur Douhan as well as her presentation acting on invitation from China. She went to China from the 6th of the 17th of May last to Beijing, Xinjiang, Shenzhen and had in-depth discussions with ministries, businesses, industrial associations, socialist organizations, experts and academics. She stressed that UCMs should not be used as a political tool or as a means of economic pressure and that UCMs imposed by the United States and other countries against China are in violation of international law, have a negative impact on various human rights such as economic, social and cultural rights and have a snowball effect. She called on countries concerned to raise and suspend all UCMs against China. In her report, she also stressed the negative impact of UCMs imposed by some countries on the human rights of Chinese people. She also introduced the measures taken by the government of China and welcomed our use of legal administrative and other means to mitigate the impact of such UCMs in a professional way. She carried out an in-depth analysis of the harm to human rights caused by UCMs and the countries concerned ought to listen attentively to what she says because it is important and they need to take serious corrective measures.
Madam Vice-President, UCMs are mainly a policy of power and the law of the jungle, full of reminiscent of hegemony. They gravely violate the principles and purposes of the charter, fundamental standards governing international relations, human rights and international cooperation for development. China has always opposed UCMs and they have exacerbated many global crises when the United States and a handful of other countries abuse embargoes and prevent financial investment, operating on markets, interfering thus with economic, commercial, scientific cooperation. They threaten global food, energy and financial security. They harm the human rights of the peoples of the countries concerned including the rights to life, development, health and culture and also cause humanitarian disasters and affect the common interests of the peoples worldwide. China has frequently joined in with like-minded countries to call for justice in multilateral fora and for support to the countries and peoples under sanctions in their actions to protect their interests.
Madam Vice-President,
The United States have a poor human rights record but they frequently adopt UCMs against peoples. This has a grave effect on international peace and security. The United States and other countries have unfoundedly extended UCMs, using them to repress the legitimate governments of countries concerned, using them as political tools to carry out subversion in other countries seriously threatening peace and global security. The international community needs a clear view of this policy, dual standards, the political intrigues run by these countries.
We call upon the United States and other countries to heed the call from the international community to immediately lift all illegal UCMs against developing countries. China is ready to increase its trade and exchanges with all parties concerned, including council special procedures in order to further develop the understanding of the international community on the legality and the consequences of UCMs. We will work to see the elimination of the negative impact of UCMs on other countries and jointly to promote healthy development of the international cause of human rights.
Thank you very much.