Statement on INS/3/1 made by China on behalf of ASPAG at the 343rd session of the Governing Body of ILO
2021-11-16 23:42

(GB.343/INS/3/1:Follow-up to the recurrent discussion on social security,9th November 2021)

Thank you, Chair!

1. ASPAG thanks the Office for preparing the document.

2. ASPAG believes that social protection, as one of the four pillars of ILO’s decent work agenda, plays an irreplaceable role in boosting employment, enhancing economic development and social justice as well as safeguarding the basic livelihoods of people. Bearing in mind the fact that 4 billion people still lack any social protection indicated by the latest World Social Protection Report, we recognize the COVID-19 pandemic has further raised the sense of urgency to build universal social protection for all. It is the high time for us to take action!

3. In view of this, ASPAG calls for consideration of a multilateral regime which would provide access to social security for migrant workers. The pandemic has had socioeconomic consequences, including for migrant workers. There is need for a multilateral regime which facilitates access to social security for workers where, for example, the contributory service period can be added to make the worker eligible for pension. If adopted, it will not impact host countries beyond the extent of contributory service of the migrant worker in their own country.  ASPAG urges the inclusion of this issue in the agenda for the next Governing Body Session in March 2022.

4. ASPAG fully supports the plan of action proposed by the Office as an affirmative answer to the global call to action for a human-centred recovery from the COVID-19 crisis that is inclusive, sustainable and resilient. Meantime, we believe this plan of action is also pivotal to achieve relevant SDG targets.

5. We appreciate the Office to constantly support the formulation and implementation of national social protection policies and strategies. We recognize the ILO’s important role in providing technical advice to ILO member countries on social protection issues. As for research and capacity-building, we believe the research should be driven by and responsive to the real needs of constituents on the ground adapting to the changing nature of the world of work. We encourage the Office to intensify its effort for constituents’ capacity building in close collaboration with Turin center, ISSA and other partners.

6. We realize the importance of effective standards-related actions on social protection. And, again, we would like to invite the Office provide timely, effective and tailored technical assistance to member States, in particular to those who have the willingness to ratify up-to-date social protection labour standards including Convention No. 102. In addition, ASPAG strongly concurs the ILO’s mandate and leadership in social protection in the multilateral system and encourage the Office to take concrete steps to promote policy coherence.

7. ASPAG is of the view that the success of this plan of action heavily relies on sophisticated planning and effective resource mobilization and allocation. Most importantly, we request the Office to allocate sustainable and necessary resources from the regular budget to the area of social protection according to P&B of the current and future bienniums.

8. Meanwhile, the extra-budgetary resources is a complementary and indispensable funding channel. In this respect, we request the Office to redouble the efforts to take concrete measures on resource mobilization in line with the ILO Development and Cooperation Strategy, including through South-South and Triangular Cooperation, and in cooperation with the UN resident coordinators and country teams. In particular, we encourage the Office to seize the momentum and harness the potential of the second phase of ILO Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for all to ensure its solid contributions to this plan of action.

9. While understanding the estimate cost of this 5-year plan of action is 237 million USD which will be allocated among 5 components, as a region accounting for 60% of the world work population, ASPAG would like to know if there is any consideration on the regional context in distributing these resources. Furthermore, para 27 of this document says “In case sufficient resources are not available, the Office will need to identify the priority outputs which it will be able to deliver within the available resources and time frame.” Though it is always our common goal to achieve adequate funding for all the outputs, we are keen to know what criteria will be applied to identify the priority outputs in the scenario of insufficient funding.

10. ASPAG supports the decision point proposed in this paper and reaffirms our commitment to work closely with ILO constituents on this important subject.    

Thank you, Chair!