(April 1, 2022)
Mr. President,
I have the honor to present the draft resolution L.28 as orally revised on behalf of the cross-regional core group consisting of Bolivia, Egypt, Pakistan, South Africa and my own country China.
It is the common aspiration of people of all countries to eliminate the gap of inequality, benefit from development gains in a more substantial and equitable way, and realize the enjoyment by all of all human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges to the economic and social development of all countries, especially developing countries. It has further exacerbated existing inequalities within and among states, with the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, including the rights to health, food, education and work, seriously affected. The pandemic has once again highlighted the importance of strengthening the work of multilateral human rights institutions on economic, social and cultural rights.
Bearing in mind of the current situation and based on the common aspirations of all parties, the core group presents draft resolution L.28, which outlines the severe impact of the pandemic on the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights by people of all countries, and emphasizes the importance of strengthening international cooperation to promote and protect economic, social and cultural rights and address inequalities. The draft resolution also acknowledges the active contribution of the Human Rights Council and the OHCHR in promoting and protecting economic, social and cultural rights and addressing inequalities, and requests the High Commissioner for Human Rights to convene a workshop to discuss practical ways to strengthen the work of the HRC and the Office in the above-mentioned field.
In line with the principles of openness and transparency, the core group has held eight rounds of informal consultations, as well as numerous bilateral meetings with the relevant parties. The core group has also kept close contact with the Office during the whole process and appreciates their valuable comments and suggestions. The core group has incorporated as many reasonable suggestions as possible from all parties. The current draft reflects the consensus of all parties to the greatest extent possible.
As suggested by the OHCHR, this is the time to invest in economic, social and cultural rights to better recover from the pandemic. We call upon the HRC to heed the call of all countries, especially developing and least developed countries, and respond to the aspiration of people of all countries by helping them to better enjoy economic, social and cultural rights, address inequalities and build a better future in the recovery from the pandemic. The core group appreciates the valuable support from 66 countries which have cosponsored draft resolution L.28 as orally revised and looks forward to support by all parties.
Thank you, Mr. President.